The Central Bank of Russia - is the central bank of the Russian state
The Central Bank of Russian
Federation (Bank of Russia) is the central bank in the country. He reports to
the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which appoints its Chairman by the
President of Russia, and is independent of the executive and administrative
organs of state power. His main problem - is:
A. sustainability of the
national currency;
Two. Organization of currency,
settlement and exchange relations;
Three. protect the interests
of depositors and creditors by determining the rules of the 4. commercial banks
and their enforcement;
Five. promote economic
development, creating a single market in the country and its integration into
the global economy.
Central Bank of Russia
regulates the activity of commercial banks in order to create general
conditions for their operation and implementation of the principles of good
banking competition. In the current activities of commercial banks' central
bank does not intervene. Regulatory and supervisory functions of the Central
Bank aimed at maintaining the stability of the monetary system. For this
purpose, it defines the order of formation of banks, funds intended to cover
potential losses, as well as sets them a series of prudential standards,
including: the minimum authorized capital liquidity balance, reserve
requirement to be placed in the Central Bank of Russia, etc.
Russian Federation and its commercial banks
Establishment and operation of
commercial banks in Russia is based on the Law "On Banks and Banking
Activity in the Russian Federation." In accordance with this Act, banks in
Russia are as universal credit institution, that is, make a wide range of
transactions in financial markets. These operations include the provision of
different types and terms of credit, purchase, sale and possession of
securities, foreign exchange, to raise funds on deposit, payment, issuance of
guarantees and other commitments, brokerage and trust operations, etc.
Banks are prohibited to carry
out activities in the sphere of material production, trade, material goods, all
types of insurance.
As in other countries, banks
in the Russian Federation is not liable for the obligations of the state and
the state - for the obligations of banks, except as provided by law.
Banks in Russia can be based
on any form of ownership: private, collective, joint-stock, mixed state. To
form the authorized capital of Russian banks are allowed to attract foreign
investment. Such banks may be joint (their share capital is formed at the
expense of residents and nonresidents) and foreign (authorized capital is
formed exclusively by non-residents).
According to the method of
forming the authorized capital stock divided into banks (open and closed), and mutual.
It should be noted that the current phase is characterized by conversion into
stock mutual banks and the establishment of new banks in the form of joint
stock companies.
To prompt the credit and
settlement services for clients, geographically remote from the location of a
commercial bank, he may organize branches and representative offices. Branches
of the bank - it is separate subdivisions located outside of its location and
carrying out all or part of its functions. The branch is not a legal entity. He
enters into contracts, and conducts other business activities on behalf of a
commercial bank, it has created.
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