Stable Form of the Polish Banking System

Stable Form of the Polish Banking System
The Polish banking system is strong and stable. Since the transformation of the political system, that is, since 1989, managed to avoid serious problems that have occurred elsewhere in the region undergoing change.

The shape of the Polish banking system - the effect of processes that were planned in this market for over ten years. Of the dozens of commercial banks operating in this market, the largest group is made up wholly or largely privatized banks. They took part in the privatization of the largest financial institutions in Europe and the world. It is therefore very own large shares in Polish banks are in the hands of foreign investors.

The legal framework of the Polish banking system laid down in the law "On National Bank of Poland" and the Law "On Banks" (both - on August 29, 1997). National Bank of Poland (NBP) acting as the central bank. NBP produces banknotes and coins, keeps the Polish foreign exchange reserves, refinances and supervises the banking system, perform the functions of supervision and issues licenses for banking activities.

Most Polish banks act as universal. They are involved in various types of deposit and financing activities, and offer a wide palette of banking services to businesses and households. Some are also active in the stock market through their own brokers. Some banks are investment activities, such as ensuring that the issue of bonds or shares, or offering consulting services.

The most important events on discernible in the banking market in recent years - in particular, is a very strong development of the credit campaign (especially with regard to housing loans), the development of services coming online: some banks offer access to accounts via the Internet. Finally, in recent years, there is also the phenomenon of more and more popular insertion of savings in investment funds and other financial institutions. The funds at the disposal of operating in Poland, the Company's investment funds at the beginning of 2006 amounted to PLN 61.1 million. This amount is in the last year has increased by approx. 60% and is already 20% savings of the Poles. Development that takes place in this area suggests that the Poles are similar to the society of developed countries.It is also not less interesting the banking system of Latvia.
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