Spain, its Banks and the Banking System

Spain, its Banks and the Banking System
Currently in Spain there are 132 bank. Many bank branches exist in all cities. Banco de Espana - The Central Bank of Spain.
The three largest banks in Spain are BBVA, Santander and Popular.
Since January 2002, euro - the single currency of member countries of the European Union. Import of foreign currency in Spain is not limited to (a declaration is required if the amount exceeds 6000 euros).
The modern structure of the banking system in Spain is as follows:
1) State credit institution;
  a) The Central Bank of Spain;
  b) The Mortgage Bank, Story-Bank, Industrial Bank, the Agricultural Credit Bank, Bank of the local lending, central office lending of navigation and fishing, foreign bank;
2) Private Banks;
3) The savings banks;
4) Credit cooperatives.

Some banks and other financial institutions banking of Spain:
1.Banco de Espana - The Central Bank of Spain.
2.Banco Sabadell - Spanish bank specializing in providing services to private clients and small and medium businesses. He has more than 400 branches in Spain and abroad.
3.Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa (BBK) - the largest savings bank in the Basque Country and the fourth largest in Spain.
4.Banco Santander - the bank carries out financial operations in Spain and 31 countries abroad, including the United States.
5.Kutxa - Savings Bank.
6.Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona - Finance Group, including the Savings Bank and several other financial institutions.
7.Caja San Fernando - Savings Bank, carrying out operations in Western Andalucia.
8.Caixa Catalunya - Catalan savings bank.
9.BBVA - Finance Group.
10.Open Bank - Public Bank.
11.Ibercaja - Spanish savings bank.It is also very peculiar banking system in Cyprus.    Home page.

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